Why is it so valuable for children to be exposed to full body movement patterns, particularly from such a young age?
Our unique program at TumbleTastics is for children from birth to school age and focuses on the development of the whole child through age appropriate fun filled activities. The significance of developing fundamental movement skills is to maximise the health and well being of each individual child. Proficiency in these foundations of movement enables lifelong involvement in physical activity. Being proficient in fundamental movement skills enables children to participate confidently and fully in play, dance, games, sport, outdoor education and recreational activities at home, at school and in the community as they socialise. Included also in this, is the importance of social, emotional, cultural, linguistic, creative, spiritual and cognitive development skill acquisition for children.
A competent mover will gladly keep moving; he or she will engage in such activities as dancing, jumping rope, hanging and swinging on the playground equipment. But a child who feels physically awkward or uncoordinated is more likely to avoid movement activities and therefore the overall development of mind and muscles will be impacted. So a child who is not a confident and able bodied movers is less likely to take part in an after-school game of tag or hopscotch or to climb the monkey bars during lunch break and not only will this then impact them physically it will undermine their ability to acquire highly developed social skills vital in adulthood.
Since poor movement habits tend to remain from childhood into adulthood, a physically inactive child is more likely to grow up to be an inactive adult. Considering the health hazards for the unfit or obese where heart disease, diabetes, and other risks play a significant factor in the downgrading of the quality of peoples lives, teaching children motor skills is indeed just as important as teaching them language or reading and writing skills.
We start in our TinyTumblers classes (birth to crawling) where we focus on those all important first movement patterns by facilitating activities to build neck and upper body strength, core strength, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, rolling and vestibular movement all of which then assist our tumblers to crawl ( Echidnas) and cruise around furniture which assist with whole child development. From here our specialised equipment allows our walker (Wombats) and eager learning runners (Emus) to further hone and develop these movement skills. And the best bit of all is that is it super fun!
Why do you think children find learning in an activity movement based environment so much fun?
It gives them the opportunity to find out who they are with the support of caring teachers and their carer’s assistance. By offering an engaging and interesting variety of activities children then are afforded endless opportunities to learn about their body’s movement, develop co-ordination, confidence and self esteem whilst building physical, social and emotional skills through play based activities.
When children play games, listen to music, dance, engage their imaginations, problem solving and work on strength development activities they are learning. And play is the work of children, because though active play this is how children learn best. We support this learning through our weekly themed classes, where the songs, music and activities change each and every week …..which keep them and their grown ups engaged in learning and who doesn’t like dressing up and having fun?
Do you have any hints and tips for parents who want to encourage an active lifestyle for their children?
Play with your kids!! Monkey see Monkey do. If we are active adults our children will follow. Too much time is wasted on electronic devices, instead enrol into activities with your children which you can do together, you might be surprise how much you enjoy it and benefit from it and in turn this will most definitely rub off on your children. It is through the exploration of new experiences that we are about to find out what are their strengths. Do we like moving, running, kicking a ball, dancing, climbing trees? Not only is it great for your child’s development to participate in these types of activities but they will also develop friendships and the likelihood is so will you, with other carer’s and this can be the place from here lifelong friendships are formed.
Can you suggest any fun games that parents can play with their children at home to encourage whole child development?
Assisted sit ups and fun filled tummy time
Seated and tummy time rolling back and forth on a yoga ball
Puzzles and shape sorters and building blocks
Swinging in parents arms or on a support swing
Ball games, catching balloons or popping bubbles
Peek a boo tactile discovery bags
Play dough and slime exploration
3-5 year olds:
Frisbee throwing and catching
Playing make believe dress-ups with things that are an extension of their body eg, flippers, ski’s, big inflatable hands
Balancing and walking on uneven surfaces, eg pillows ,mattresses
Wheel barrow walking,
Team games to include sharing and turn taking
TumbleTastics is a creatively themed, movement based, early learning, kindergym & educational activity centre engaging children from birth to 7 years. TumbleTastics provides a strong focus on your child’s whole development including sensory, exploratory, cognitive and social experiences as well as assisting children develop physically, including their gross and fine motor skills. Participation in our 50 minute structured, age appropriate, weekly classes contains a blend of non-competitive gymnastics, music, games, sports, dances, relays and other original activities.
Our accredited TumbleTastics instructors are passionate about your child’s development; our custom-built venue and stimulating program will ensure your child has endless opportunities to learn about their body’s movement, develop co-ordination, confidence and self-esteem whilst building physical, social and emotional skills through structured activities and loads of fun!
TumbleTastics classes are exciting and motivating – our instructors educate our parents as well as enthusiastically assist children to explore our new themes and activities weekly; giving children a sense of success and self esteem on completion. Join in the fun learning experiences for you and your child at our custom-built venue – at TumbleTastics
Website: http://www.tumbletastics.com.au/about-us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TumbleTastics